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Our Dance Socials and Parties are a great way to socialize and network with our many members who represent a wealth of professional and cultural backgrounds.

Our members tend to form close friendships, so parties are lots of fun, as members catch-up with each other, dance, and share food and drink.

Some parties include dance lessons at the start of the evening, as well as dance performances, in addition to lots of dancing.

Most dances are open to the public, so non-members may also attend.

All students are highly encouraged to attend socials and parties as often as they can, as it provides a great opportunity to practice and develop their skills in the different dances.

As a new student, you should not be shy to attend socials and parties. Our members are very consious of beginners, and offer lots of assistance and encouragement.


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Fall Showcass 2011
Latin Festival & Showcase 2012
See our media page for more videos and pictures.


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